WordPress is a PHP-based content management and blogging system that uses the MySQL database manager for data storage.The WordPress editor was first released in 2003, and since then it has been continuously improved with new features added. One of its most popular features is the possibility of integrating a large number of plugins. This allows users and developers to easily enhance and supplement the basic structure and functions of the system. The official database contains 22,000 plug-ins. It has now outgrown the status of a blogging system and can be used to create any kind of website, such as a company brand page, blog page, webshop, news page, membership page, forum page, portal page –, basically anything.
Many plugins have been created to keep its functionality, which you need to be able to use expertly, otherwise the whole website may crash or run slowly. A weakness of using outdated unsupported software is its vulnerability to hacker attacks, which is worth preventing before an attack occurs. There are currently 455 million websites worldwide created under WordPress. On average, 500 new WordPress websites are created daily. That many people cannot be wrong!
The success of WordPress continues to grow. Its flexibility and scalability, with numerous plugins and excellent support, greatly reduces development costs. For the perfect look and feel, there are professional enhancements that are fast and secure – like having a Ferrari engine in your web store!
We offer excellent engines and keep our finger on the pulse of newer and newer developments to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. A successful WordPress website requires a well-built system and ongoing maintenance.